Promatra se mogućnost geolingvističkog pristupa dijalektnoj frazeologiji. Kао
glavni problem ističe se neujednačena istraženost. Da bi se izradile pouzdane
i potpunije frazeološke karte, trebalo bi timskim radom ciljano istraživati na
terenu da neka područja ne ostanu potpuno nepokrivena. Uz označavanje
potvrđenosti na terenu, na kartama se pokazuje i diferenciranost frazema u
hrvatskim govorima na različitim jezičnim razinama. Razmatra se što bi bilo
dobro uzeti u obzir da bi se što zornije prikazale frazemske inačice.This article discusses the possibility of a geolinguistic approach to dialect phraseology.
The fact that dialect phraseology has not been consistently researched
is pointed out as the main problem. In order to make reliable and more complete
phraseological maps, specially focused fieldwork would have to be carried out in
teams so that no regions will be left unresearched. In addition to marking confirmed
usage in the field, the maps also show the variation in phrasemes in Croatian
dialects at different linguistic levels. The paper also discusses what would
be good to take into account in order to illustrate the different versions of phrasal