University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Division of Transport. Department of Urban Transport.
Analysis of Bus Line 212 Dubec - Sesvete in the City of Zagreb
Javni gradski prijevoz mora biti učinkovit i glavno mu je obilježje da ga može pod određenim uvjetima koristiti svaki građanin. Problematika se očituje u zagušenosti, pokretljivosti i vanjskim utjecajima. Ovaj završni rad se temelji na analizi prijevoznog procesa autobusne linije 212 Dubec – Sesvete u Zagrebu sa statičkim i dinamičkim elementima. Cilj rada je prikupljanjem podataka o izmjeni putnika i popunjenosti vozila utvrditi iskorištenost ponuđenog kapaciteta linije, dati uvid u stanje brzina i vremena u prijevoznom procesu linije te pokušati ponuditi idejno rješenje za spomenutu autobusnu liniju.Public transport has to be efficient and accessible to every citizen under certain conditions. The problems related to public transportation include congestion, mobility and other external factors. This undergraduate thesis is based on analysing a bus line 212 Dubec – Sesvete in the City of Zagreb, including the transport processes, and the static and dynamic elements. The goal of this thesis is to determine the utilization of the offered capacity and provide an insight into speeds and travel times on the bus line with the collected time, vehicle and passenger data, to propose solutions for the line
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