The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography
Overview of the territorial organization development of the Catholic church in the area of Hrvatsko Zagorje
Teritorijalni ustroj Katoličke crkve na području Hrvatskoga zagorja može se pratiti neposredno nakon razdoblja kristijanizacije. Osnovana je Sisačka biskupija a kasnije Zagrebačka biskupija. Župe su bile svrstane u arhiđakonate a nakon niza stoljeća arhiđakonati su bili podijeljeni na dekanate u kojima je obično bilo deset župa. Župe su tijekom vremena mijenjale svoje granice, svoja sjedišta a i svoje titulare. Osnivale su se nove župe razdvajanjem pojedine župe i odvajanjem dijela područja jedne ili više župa. Dolazilo je i do spajanja dekanata i ujedinjavanja arhiđakonata. Na kraju, od dijelova područja Zagrebačke nadbiskupije osnovane su nove biskupije. Danas na području Hrvatskoga zagorja Zagrebačka metropolija ima 71 župu razvrstanih u 9 dekanata koji su uključeni u 3 arhiđakonata u sastavu 3 biskupije.The territorial organization of the Catholic church in the area of Hrvatsko Zagorje can be traced right after the period of Christianization. First, the Sisak Diocese was founded and later the Zagreb Diocese. Parishes were classified into archdeaconries, and after a few centuries archdeaconries were divided into deaneries where ten parishes usually existed. Parishes have changed their boundaries, their seats and their titles over time. New parishes were founded by separating a parish and separating part of the area of one or more parishes. There were also reunifications of deaneries and unifications of archdeaconries. Finally, new dioceses were founded from parts of the Zagreb Diocese. Today, in the area of Hrvatsko Zagorje, the Zagreb Metropoly has 71 parishes, divided into 9 deaneries, included in 3 archdioceses belonging to 3 dioceses
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