'Croatian Medical Association'
Wet nurses and breastfeeding in Zagreb through history – from the end of the nineteenth century until the end of World War II
U tekstu će se navesti pojedini podaci o dojkinjama i dojenju u razdoblju od kraja devetnaestog stoljeća do Drugog svjetskog rata. Krajem 19. stoljeća dojkinje se moglo zaposliti za plaću koja nije bila mala, što pokazuje da se njihov posao smatrao važnim. S druge strane, u ovom je razdoblju bilo učestalo davanje dojenčadi na dojenje na ladanje tj. na selo gdje bi se za njih brinule strane osobe, ponekad i bez dovoljne pažnje. Kako bi se ovo popravilo, pojedini istaknuti liječnici poduzeli su određene korake. Dio rada na zaštiti dojenčadi odnosio se i na promoviranje dojenja. Ovaj rad provodio se, među ostalim, i u Gradskom dječjem ambulatoriju u Zagrebu koji je započeo s radom 1908. te Središtu za socijalno-higijenski rad sestara pomoćnica koje je započelo s radom 1930. Briga o zdrav- lju dojenčadi bila je i dio preventivne zdravstvene politike Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca (SHS), a rad na ovom polju nastavit će se i u narednom razdoblju.The paper provides data on wet nurses and breastfeeding in the period from the end of the nineteenth century until the Second World War. At the end of the nineteenth century, wet nurses were employed for a salary that was not small at the time, indicating that such work was considered important. In this period, infants were often breastfed in the countryside, where they were cared for by foreign persons, sometimes without sufficient attention. Certain steps were taken to remedy this situation by some prominent physicians. Part of the work on infant protection involved the promotion of breastfeeding. This work was carried out in the City Chil- dren’s Ambulatory in Zagreb, which officially opened in 1908, and the Center for Social and Hygienic Work of Nurses, which started in 1930. Caring for the health of infants was also part of the preventive health policy of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (SHS), and work in this field continued in the future
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