Croatian Ethnological Society and Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Ethno-villages between Identity Preservation and Entrepreneurship Trend (Summary)
Posljednjih nekoliko godina na području Hrvatske, kao i nekih susjednih država (Bosna i Hercegovina, Srbija, Crna Gora), zamjetan je trend intervencija u ruralne prostore osnivanjem etno-sela radi kombiniranog ostvarivanja novih oblika privređivanja turističkim predstavljanjem tradicijske arhitekture i uporabnih predmeta predindustrijske svakodnevice. Takvi su projekti često na velikim površinama, a financiraju ih privatni poduzetnici. Priprema i provedba tih projekata često se odvija bez prethodnih konzultacija bilo s kojom službom i strukom, pa tako ni s konzervatorskom. Stoga treba upozoriti na to da njihova izvedba i prezentacija etnološki, pa i turistički gledano, zna biti neprimjerena.During the last several years in Croatia as well as in some neighbouring states (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Monte Negro) we can follow the trend of interventions in rural areas through establishment of so called ethno-villages with the economic incentive of presenting traditional architecture and pre-industrial items of peasant everyday life in tourist purposes. Such projects are often conducted on large areas, and are financed by private entrepreneurs. Conceptualisation and implementation of those projects is frequently conducted without preliminary consultations with any competent institution and profession, including conservators. A caveat should therefore be expressed that the implementation of these projects as well as their tourist-oriented presentation can be ethnologically inapt
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