U radu Romani Mirka Kovača Sofia Kalezić-Đuričković pravi kritičko-teorijski osvrt na najvažnija ostvarenja ovog velikog crnogorskog, srpskog i hrvatskog pisca. Kao u svojevrstan problemski nukleus, Kovač uranja u prostore svog užeg i šireg zavičaja, iz romana u roman bogateći i usložnjavajući njegovu fenomenologiju. Krajnje slikovit, zgusnut i snažan pripovjedački govor jedna je od krucijalnih osobina Kovača kao pisca, čije učestale tematske krugove predstavljaju porodični udesi izazvani društvenim, političkim i ekonomskim previranjima. Slijedeći najkvalitetnije literarne obrasce u okvirima svjetske i domaće književnsti, djelo ovog književnika okrenuto je putovanju kroz sjećanje, označenom modernim narativnim tehnikama. Ispripovijedano čistim jezičkim idiomom plemenitog i izgrađenog izraza, djelo Mirka Kovača nosi originalan pečat autorske prepoznatljivosti i umjetničke ljepote. U Kovačevim romanima autor i recipijent nalaze se u stvaralačkom sukobu, koji podrazumijeva priroda spisateljskog poziva. Kovač pripada piscima koji se mogu nazvati bodlerovskim prirodama jer posjeduju razvijenu svijest o vlastitim kreativnim traganjima. Okviri literarnih uticaja na njegovo djelo kreću se u širokom luku od Biblije do latinsko-američkih i savremenih evropskih književnika. Zato i kritičar i čitalac moraju biti oprezni pri susretu sa ostvarenjima ovog literate jer je u njima mnogo privida i svjesno postavljenih zamki, koje izlaze iz piščevog bogatog umjetničkog repertoara. Prožete sa puno humora, ironije i lucidnih zaključaka, ova ostvarenja ujedno predstavljaju i esencijalni izbor piščevih razmišljanja o književnosti.In the work The Novels of Mirko Kovac Sophia Kalezic-Djurickovic gives a
truly critical and theoretical overview of the most important works of the great Montenegrin, Serbian and Croatian writer. Kovac plunges into the areas of his narrower and wider native land, as into a kind of problematic nucleus, from one novel to another enriching and and making more complex its phenomenology. Extremely colorful, tight and powerful narrative speech is one of the most crucial features of Kovac as a writer, whose frequent thematic circles represent family accidents caused by social, political and economic turmoil. Persuing the best literary forms within the international and domestic frames of literature, the work of this writer refers to a journey through memory, marked with modern narrative techniques. Narrated with a pure linguistic idiom of a noble and constructed expression, Mirko Kovac’s work bears an original stamp of the authorial recognition and artistic beauty. In Kovsc’s novels, the author and the reader are in a creative conflct, which is implied in the nature of the author’s occupation. Kovac belongs to those writers who can be called sensitive natures because they have developed a sense of their own creative quest. The frameworks of the literary inflence on his work range widely from the Bible to Latin American and our contemporary writers. Both critics and readers should exercise caution when encountering the works of this writer, because there is a lot of illusion and consciously set traps, which come out from the the writer’s rich artistic repertoire. Imbued with a lot of humour, irony and lucid conclusions, these works also represent an essential choice of the writer’s thoughts on literature