University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Independent chairs. Chair of Transport Environmental Impact.
Analysis and Methods of Reduction of Noise in Air Traffic
Kroz temu ovoga rada analizirano je pitanje utjecaja buke komercijalnog zrakoplovstva na ljude i njihovo zdravlje. Izvori buke komercijalnog zrakoplovstva podijeljeni su na buku pogonskih skupina i buku strukture zrakoplova. Međunarodna regulativa buke zrakoplova donosi odredbe prema podacima koji se utvrđuju metodama mjerenja buke. Do 2050. godine, međunarodnom regulativom Europske unije teži se cilju smanjenja buke do 65%. ICAO (prema Annexu 16 Volume 1) propisuje metode mjerenja te mjere redukcije buke za sve tipove zrakoplova. Također, u radu su obrađeni načini smanjenja buke tehnologijskim, operativnim i ekonomskim mjerama. Važno je istaknuti mjere zračnih luka za redukciju buke kao što je, “policijski sat“, gradnja zvučnih barijera te korištenje (tiših) zrakoplova novih generacija.Throughout this final work many questions are analized about noise of commercial air traffic that affects humans and their health. Noise sources of commercial air traffic can be divided on propulsive noise and aircraft structure noise. International Regulations for aircraft noise decides different kinds of measures according to data that are being determined by measuring noise level. By 2050. European Union International Regulations are targeting to lower the noise level by 65%. ICAO (according to Annex 16 Volume 1) gives different methods of measuring and measures of noise reduction for all types of aircrafts. Also, all sorts of noise reduction are being described such as technological, operative and economical measures. It is important to notice airports measures for noise reduction such as curfew, building sound barriers and using quieter aircrafts of new generations
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