'University of Zadar'
Ceramic Finds from Glavice – Stara Povljana in the Context of Prehistoric Settlements on the Island of Pag
Brojni ostatci keramičkih posuda otkriveni su tijekom arheoloških istraživanja provedenih 2012. godine na lokalitetu Glavice blizu Stare Povljane na otoku Pagu. Neki od tih nalaza mogu se pripisati kasnom srednjem vijeku ili ranom novom vijeku (na što ukazuju i nalazi mletačkog novca), a drugi se datiraju u prapovijest, većinom u željezno doba. Nadalje, spomenuti ostatci nađeni su oko ili čak unutar vrlo oštećenih suhozidnih struktura koje, iako ne mogu biti precizno datirane u prapovijesno ili neko kasnije doba, ukazuju na dugotrajno korištenje tog lokaliteta kao naselja. Zahvaljujući kontekstu tih nalaza moguće je da je prapovijesno naselje bilo organizirano na platou ispod obližnjeg brežuljka i blizu plodnog polja, što nije tipično za to područje i ukazuje na moguću promjenu u praksi smještanja naselja. Sukladno tome, u ovom radu analizirat će se ulomci prapovijesnog posuđa, njihova konzistencija, tipologija i dekoracija te će oni biti smješteni u kontekst prapovijesnih nalaza šireg područja. Isto tako, važnost ovog lokaliteta razmotrit će se kroz sveukupni raspored prapovijesnih naselja na otoku Pagu.Numerous remains of ceramic vessels were discovered during the archaeological excavations carried out in 2012 at the site of Glavice near Stara Povljana on the island of Pag. Some of these finds can be attributed to the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (indicated also by the finds of Venetian coins), and others are clearly dated to the prehistoric period, predominantly Iron Age. The aforementioned remains were discovered around and even within the heavily damaged dry stone structures, which, although they cannot be precisely dated to either prehistoric or later periods, indicate the longevity of use of this site for habitation. Due to the context of these finds it is highly possible that the prehistoric settlement was organized on the plateau below the nearby hill and adjacent to the arable field, which is considered to be atypical for the area and indicates a possible change in settlement placement patterns. Therefore, in this paper we shall analyse fragments of prehistoric vessels, their consistency, typology and decorations, and place them in the context of prehistoric finds in the wider territory as well as evaluate the importance of this site in the overall distribution of prehistoric settlements on the island of Pag
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