'Croatian Association of Civil Engineers'
Flow duration curves
Opisane su krivulje trajanja protoka i način njihova određivanja kada u razmatranom profilu vodotoka nema dovoljno podataka. Karakteristični oblici krivulja uspoređeni su na primjeru profila zahvata odabranih prototipova budućih malih hidroelektrana. Postupak definiranja krivulje trajanja protoka za profil na vodotoku u kojem nema dovoljno podataka prikazan je na krškom dijelu sliva Kupe. Za obrasli i goli krš razmatran je utjecaj podzemnih retencija na slivovima Kupe i Cetine.The authors describe flow duration curves and the way in which they are defined in case the data in the profile under study are insufficient. Typical curve shapes are compared with profiles of selected prototypes of future small hydropower plants. The procedure for defining flow duration curves in a watercourse profile with insufficient data is presented for the karst segment of the Kupa drainage area. The influence of underground retention basins in the Kupa and Cetina drainage areas is considered for both bare karst and covered karst
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