This paper presents some of the results of a floristic study conducted during the past two years in different regions of Macedonia. New chorological data and data on their habitats are given for 12 taxa of the vascular flora of Macedonia, among which one species (Seseli annuum) is new for the country. Three species (Lathyrus linifolius, Lactuca plumieri, Serratula tinctoria) are rediscovered for the first time after eight or even more decades, and the presence of one species (Staehelina uniflosculosa) is confirmed. In addition, one or more new localities are presented for the following seven rare taxa: Carduus personata subsp. albidus, Epilobium anagallidiifolium, Peucedanum alsaticum, Schoenus nigricans, Sorbus × latifolia s.l., Vicia hybrida and V. montenegrina