University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. Department of Geology and Geological Engineering.
Determination of hydraulic conductivity using permeameter with constant head on the left hinterland of the eastern part of Zagreb aquifer : master’s thesis
U teorijskom dijelu rada nabrojane su i opisane metode određivanja hidrauličke vodljivosti na terenu i u laboratoriju. Sam predmet istraživanja bio je odrediti hidrauličku vodljivost metodom permeametra sa stalnom razinom. Uzorak za ovaj eksperiment uzet je na području Veletržnice i hladnjače Zagrebačkog holdinga, istočni dio grada Zagreba.In this theoretical part of thesis field and laboratority methods are listed and discribed for measuring hydraulic conductivitiy. The subject of this study was measurment of hydraulic conductivity using a permeameter with constant head test method. The sample for this experiment was taken at territory Veletržnice i hladnjače Zagrebačkog holdinga, eastern part of Zagreb