Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering University of Zagreb
In the NE Montenegro, in the area Mt. Javorje and in the surrounding of the towns Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac, Ivangrad (Berane), Murino, Plav and Konjusi (Konjuhe) there are numerous small ore occurrences of pyrite and subordinately pyrrhotite with few per cent of Cu-, Zn- and Pb-sulphide in the small quantity of quartz and carbonate gangue minerals in Upper Paleozoic deposits. Different opinions considering the age of this ore occurrences exist in the literature of Montenegro: Upper Paleozoic or Middle Triassic. This study has revealed that most of this ore occurrences are of Permian age. Such statement relies on the discovery of Lower-Middle Permian fossils, on the specific occurrence of intercalated conglomerates, coarse grained sandstones and recrystallized limestones in the immediate vicinity and on the frequent stratiform (concordant) form of the occurence of ore and magmatic lenses and layers, or on the stratabound occurrences of ore impregnations and veins, respectively. It was concluded that all Pb-Zn ore deposits of Montenegro were derived from the same magma. It gave in three successive pulsations Permian small ore occurrences in early rift stage, larger Lower Triassic ore occurrences in the intermediate rift stage and the largest Middle Triassic Pb-Zn ore deposits in the main rift stage. This hypothesis is based on the isogenetic character of Pb204 and on the uniform values of endogene sulphide sulphur S34 of galena and pyrite in the ore deposits of all three stratigraphic horizons. The important indicator is permanent presence of Cu minerals, what is typical for Paleozoic ore deposits of whole Dinarides.U SI dijelu Crne Gore, u području planine Javorje i okolini gradova Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac, Ivangrad (Berane), Murino, Plav i Konjusi (Konjuhe) nalaze se u gornjepaleozojskim naslagama brojne male pojave pirita, podređeno pirotina s najviše nekoliko postotaka Cu, Zn, Pb sulfida u malo jalovine kvarca i nešto karbonata. U crnogorskoj literaturi podijeljena su mišljenja o starosti tih pojava: gornjopaleozojska ili srednjotrijaska. Ova studija je pokazala da je većina tih pojava permske starosti. Taj stav se oslanja na nalaz donjo-srednjo permskih fosila, na specifičnu pojavu interkalacija konglomerata, krupnozrnih pješčenjaka i rekristaliziranih vapnenaca u neposrednoj blizini te na vrlo čest stratiforman (konkordantan) oblik pojavljivanja rudnih i magmatskih leća i slojeva, odnosno na stratabound pojave rudnih impregnacija i žila. Zaključeno je da su sva Pb-Zn ležišta Crne Gore porijeklom iz iste magme iz koje su se u tri uzastupne pulzacije stvarale u ranoj riftnoj fazi u permu male rudne pojave, zatim u riftnoj međufazi donjeg trijasa veće rudne pojave i konačno u glavnoj riftnoj fazi srednjeg trijasa najveća Pb-Zn orudnjenja. Ta hipoteza se bazira na izogenetskom karakteru izotopa olova Pb204 i na istovrsnim vrijednostima izotopa endogenog sulfidnog sumpora S34 galenita i pirita u ležištima sva tri stratigrafska horizonta. Važan indikator je permanentna prisutnost Cu minerala što je karakteristika paleozojskih ležišta cijelih Dinarida
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