University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Division of Transport. Department of Postal Transport.
Analysis of Accomplished Postal Services on Postal Office Territory
U radu je prikazana analiza ostvarenih poštanskih usluga na području poštanskog ureda s dostavnim područjem s posebnim osvrtom na pismovne i paketske pošiljke. Razvoj novih tehnologija traži prilagođavanje i poštanskih usluga poštanskog ureda koje se nude korisnica s obzirom na njihove potrebe. Analizirane strukture poštanskih usluga ovise o vrsti pošiljaka koje su prodane korisnicima u promatranom razdoblju. Primjenom određenih modela utvrđena je srednja vrijednost najprodavanijih poštanskih pošiljaka i stopa pokrivenosti uplata isplatama.In this essay the analysis of achieved postal services in the area of post office with delivery area with special reference on the postal packages is showned. The development of new technologies require adjustment of postal services of post office which are offered to clients considering their needs. Analysed structure of postal services depend on the type of the packages which are sold to the clients in the observed period. With appliement of certain models it is established the average amount of the best - selling postal packages and the rate of payment coverage with payouts
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