University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. Department of Geology and Geological Engineering.
Tritium content in water in the area of well field Kosnica : master’s thesis
Mjerenja koncentracije aktivnosti radioaktivnog izotopa tricija mogu dati korisne informacije u hidrogeološkim istraživanjima u svrhu datiranja podzemne vode, procjene brzine obnavljanja podzemne vode, određivanja količine preostalog tricija u odnosu na inicijalnu koncentraciju u nekom razdoblju te ukazivanja na određene kontaminacije. U radu su obuhvaćeni rezultati mjerenja koncentracije aktivnosti tricija za uzorke uzorkovane na području crpilišta Kosnica u razdoblju između veljače 2016. i siječnja 2017. godine, kao i kemijske analize uzoraka na temelju kojih je određen hidrogeokemijski facijes podzemne vode. Podaci korišteni u ovom radu proizašli su iz međunarodnog TC projekta IAEA-e (Međunarodne agencije za nuklearnu energiju sa sjedištem u Beču) CRO/7/001 „Isotope Investigation of the Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction at the Well Field Kosnica in the Area of the City of Zagreb“.Measurement of radioactive isotope tritium can provide useful information in hydrogeological application of groundwater dating, groundwater recharge velocity assessment, determination of remaining tritium content in comparison to the initial concentration and for the determination of groundwater contamination. This Master's thesis includes the results of measurements of radioactive isotope tritium for samples taken in the area of the Kosnica well field in the period from February 2016 until January 2017, and chemical analysis of samples, which were used for the determination of hydrogeochemical facies of groundwater. The data used in this thesis are taken from the international TC project of IAEA-a (International Atomic Energy Agency whose headquarters are located in Vienna) CRO/7/001 “Isotope Investigation of the Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction at the Well Field Kosnica in the Area of the City of Zagreb“