Članak prenosi motivaciju za provođenje istraživanja o stavovima prema budućnosti i rezultate ankete provedene 2016. na dvije studentske grupe (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, studenti na kolegiju „Antropologija budućnosti” i Fakultet za međunarodnu ekonomiju u Podgorici; N=65). Bitna odrednica ovog članka je pokušaj tumačenja nekih stavova imajući na umu materinski i poznavanje stranih jezika. Anketa se sastojala od sociodemografskih pitanja, otvorenih pitanja o budućnosti i biranja ponuđenih odgovora vezanih uz budućnost globalizacije, obitelji, kulture, jezika, ekonomije, konflikata i kvalitete života. Treba naglasiti da je provedena anketa bila namijenjena prvom, probnom ispitivanju stavova i stupnja upoznatosti s temom kod dvije studentske grupe i nije metodološki rigoroz na dovoljno da se donose sigurniji zaključci. Dobiveni rezultati služe kao poticaj i smjernica za iduće, metodološki precizno istraživanje vizija budućnosti, čiji bi naglasak bio ispitivanje korelacije stavova prema budućnosti i prema jezicima.The article relays the motivation to research attitudes toward the future, and the results of a survey conducted in 2016 on two student groups (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, students enrolled in „Anthropology of the Future”, and the Faculty of International Economics in Podgorica; N=65). An important determinant of this article is an attempt to interpret some of the answers bearing in mind the maternal language and foreign language skills of the participants. The
survey consisted of sociodemographic questions, open-ended questions on future, and multiple choice questions concerning the future of globalization, family, culture, language, economy, confl icts and quality of life. It should be emphasized that the conducted survey was intended as a first, test examination of attitudes and familiarities with the subject matter, and is not methodologically rigorous enough to claim definite conclusions. The obtained results serve as an incentive for new and methodologically coherent study of visions of the future, placing an emphasis on the examination of the correlation between attitudes toward the future and toward language