University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. Department of Geology and Geological Engineering.
Groundwater resources of Zagreb aquifer : master’s thesis
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je određivanje stalnih i promjenjivih zaliha podzemne vode
zagrebačkog vodonosnika za 2013. godinu. Za izradu 3D modela i izračun zaliha korišten je
program Surfer. Analizom podataka o litološkim profilima bušotina izrađen je model podine
vodonosnog sloja. Na temelju podataka o minimalim i maksimalnim razinama podzemne vode u
2013. godine izrađeni su modeli vodne plohe za visoke i niske vode. Za volumen stalnih zaliha
podzemne vode dobivena je vrijednost od 2,1×109 m3 te za promjenjive zalihe 1,5 ×108 m3. Nakon
usporedbe dobivenog volumena promjenjivih zaliha podzemne vode zagrebačkoga vodonosnika s
ukupnom crpnom količinom u promatranoj godini koja iznosi 8,9×107 m3, zaključuje se da crpne
količine zbog izuzetno vlaţne godine nisu premašile promjenjive zalihe.Abstract: The aim of this Thesis is the determination of permanent and seasonal groundwater resources of the
Zagreb aquifer in 2013. 3D models and volume calculations are made with the use of Surfer
software. Lithological profile data is analyzed in order to define the impermeable layer underlying
the aquifer. Water table surface models are created based on the minimum and maximum
groundwater levels in the observed year. After the calculations, permanent resources are defined as
2,1×109, and seasonal resources as 1,5 ×108 m3. The obtained value for seasonal resources is
compared with the total pumping rate in the observed area in 2013, which is 8,9×107 m3. It is
concluded that as a result of exceptionally wet year the pumping volume did not exceed the
seasonal groundwater resources