Institute of arhaeology
Fibulae of the Jezerine-type from southeastern Pannonia
Fibule tipa Jezerine predstavljale su jedan od najomiljenijih oblika nošnje sa samog kraja latenske kulture, odnosno stupnja LT D2. Zabilježene su na širem europskom prostoru, od zapadnog dijela mediteranskog bazena preko kontinentalne Europe sve do Baltika, a brojnija skupina potječe s prostora istočne Slavonije, Srijema i sjeverne Srbije, koji je u mlađem željeznom dobu naseljavala politička zajednica poznata iz antičkih literarnih izvora pod nazivom Skordisci. Veći dio ovih fibula pripada tipu Jezerine II koje su na prostor jugoistočne Panonije dospjele komunikacijskim putem koji je išao dolinom rijeke Save, dok manja skupina predmeta predstavlja kopije tipa Jezerine, prilagođene ukusu lokalnih korisnika. Rezultati PIXE analiza sastava slitina od kojih su lijevane fibule pokazuju prilično heterogenu sliku, upućujući na to da su jugoistočnopanonski primjerci proizvedeni u različitim radionicama smještenima od sjeverne Italije i jugoistočnoalpskog prostora preko zapadnog Balkana do južne Panonije.The Jezerine-type fibulae are one of the most popular forms of attire from the Late La Tène period, that is, the LT D2 phase. They have been recorded in a wider European area, from the western part of the Mediterranean basin throughout all of continental Europe to the Baltic, and a large number of them originated in eastern Slavonia, Syrmia and northern Serbia, an area that, in the Late Iron Age, was inhabited by a political group known from ancient literary sources as the Scordisci. Many of these finds can be attributed to the Jezerine-type II fibulae, which spread to southeastern Pannonia via a communication route that went through the Sava valley. A smaller group of finds includes copies of the Jezerine-type fibulae which were tailored according to the tastes of the local users. The results of the PIXE analysis of the composition of the alloy from which cast fibulae were made show quite a heterogeneous picture, indicating that the finds from southeastern Pannonia were produced in different workshops located in areas spreading from northern Italy and the southeastern Alpine region, over the western Balkans to southern Pannonia
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