Glavni cilj ovog rada je utvrivanje ukupnog broja balkanskih endemicnih
taksona ranga vrste i podvrste na teritoriji Crne Gore. Terenskim istraživanjima, i
pregledom obimne literaturne grae i herbarskih zbirki utvreno je da u Crnoj Gori rastu
372 balkanska endemicna taksona. Podaci koji obuhvataju rasprostranjenje, ekološke
karakteristike kao i literaturne i herbarske izvore za svaki pojedinacan takson
inkorporirani su u bazu podataka Microsoft Excel koja broji 7215 zapisa.
Popisani su svi lokaliteti na kojima je svaki pojedinacan takson bio konstatovan.
Uraene su areal karte sa UTM koordinatama 10x10 km na kojima je prikazano
rasprostranjenje svakog pojedinacnog taksona na teritoriji Crne Gore. Analizom opšteg
rasprostranjenja tj. rasprostranjenja na Balkanskom poluostrvu, za svaki takson je
odreen florni elemenat, areal podgrupa i areal grupa. Prikazane su i ekološke
karakteristike endemicnih taksona koje su podrazumijevale utvrivanje pripadnosti
odgovarajucoj životnoj formi, tipova staništa koje naseljava dati takson, dijapazona
nadmorskih visina i tipova geološke podloge. U slucajevima preuzimanja literaturnih
podataka iz fitocenoloških radova unošene su i informacije o ekspoziciji i nagibu terena
staništa, te stepenu prisutnosti endemicnih taksona u odreenoj asocijaciji.
Taksonomska analiza balkanske endemicne flore Crne Gore pokazala je da su
najbogatije familije Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Campanulaceae, Fabaceae i
Lamiaceae, dok cak 13 familija ima predstavnika u jednom endemicnom taksonu. U
okviru najbrojnije familije Asteraceae je i najbrojniji rod Hieracium sa 71 taksonom,
slijede rodovi Dianthus, Edraianthus i Campanula. Rodovi Stachys, Cerastium i
Alchemilla su zastupljeni sa istim brojem endemicnih vrsta i podvrsta. Zanimljivo je da
cak 80 rodova ima po jednog endemicnog predstavnika.
Horološka struktura balkanskih biljnih endemita Crne Gore ukazuje da gotovo
dvije trecine endemicnih taksona cine orofite koje pripadaju dvjema horološkim
grupama: južno evropsko planinskoj (146 taksona ili 39,2%) i srednje evropskoj
planinskoj (99 taksona ili 26,6%)...The main objective of this study is to determine the total number of the Balkan
endemic taxa of species and subspecies rank on the territory of Montenegro. Field
research and extensive literature and herbarium collection review has found that there are
372 Balkan endemic taxa in Montenegro. The data which include distribution, ecological
characteristics, as well as literature and herbarium sources for each individual taxon have
been incorporated in a Microsoft Excel database which includes 7215 records.
The study lists all sites in which individual taxa were identified. Areal maps with
UTM coordinates 10x10 km have been made, representing the distribution of each
individual taxon on the territory of Montenegro. Analysis of the general distribution, i.e.
the distribution on the Balkan Peninsula has defined the floral element, areal subgroup
and areal group for each taxon. Ecological characteristics of endemic taxa have also been
stated, which implied determining the affiliation to appropriate life form, habitat types
inhabited by the given taxon, range of altitudes and geological substrate types. When
citing literature data from phytocoenological papers, information have been entered on
habitat exposure and slope, as well as on endemic taxa presence in a certain association.
Taxonomic analysis of the Balkan endemic flora in Montenegro has shown that
Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Campanulaceae, Fabaceae and Lamiaceae are the richest
families, while as many as 13 families have a representative in one endemic taxon. The
most numerous Asteraceae family includes the largest Hieracium genus with 71 taxa,
followed by Dianthus, Edraianthus and Campanula genera. Stachys, Cerastium and
Alchemilla genera are represented with an equal number of endemic species and
subspecies. It is interesting to note that as many as 80 genera have one endemic
Chorological structure of the Balkan endemic plants in Montenegro shows that
almost two thirds of endemic taxa are orophytes that belong to two chorological groups:
south European mountain (146 taxa or 39.2%) and central European mountain group (99
taxa or 26.6%)..