'Croatian Conservation Institute'
An Ancient Building Complex at the Sipćina Site in Okešinec
Antički lokalitet Sipćina u selu Okešincu, poznat je još od 1960-ih godina, kad su provedena i prva arheološka istraživanja. Pronađeni nalazi datirani su u 1. i 2. st., a lokalitet je povezan s boravkom rimske vojske na tim prostorima. Istraživanja su nastavljena 2012. godine, kad su otkrivena dva horizonta naseljavanja. Stariji možemo datirati u 1. i 2. st., a pripisano mu je nekoliko jama i kanala te ostaci drvenog nadzemnog objekta. Mlađem horizontu, datiranom u 3. i 4. st., pripadaju dva objekta. Analiza nalaza pokazala je da se vjerojatno radi o rimskoj ladanjskoj vili. Geofizičkim snimanjima uočeni su tragovi nekoliko građevina i većeg jarka koji ih okružuje.The ancient site of Sipćina in the village of Okešinec has been known since the 1960ies, when the first archaeologi-cal explorations were undertaken. The finds were dated to the 1st and the 2nd c. AD, and the site was associated with the Roman army staying in the area. Research was taken up in 2012, when two habitation horizons were discovered. The earlier one can be dated to the 1st and the 2nd c. AD, with several pits and canals and the remains of an over-ground wooden structure attributed to the period. The later horizon is dated to the 3rd and the 4thc. AD, with two structures belonging to the period. An analysis of the finds indicated that it was probably a Roman villa rustica. Geophysical research revealed traces of several buildings and a large ditch surrounding them
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