University of Zagreb. Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology. Department of Food Engineering. Laboratory for Water Technology.
The origin of nitrogen and phosphorus in the rivers of the Black Sea basin in Republic of Croatia
Velike koncentracije dušika i fosfora uzrokuju eutrofikaciju voda. Eutrofikacija je razlog smanjenja bioraznolikosti Crnog mora te njegovog proglašenja osjetljivim područjem što je rezultiralo promjenom pravilnika koji regulira pročišćavanje otpadnih voda. U ovom radu su izračunate teorijske mase dušika i fosfora koje gradovi u Republici Hrvatskoj godišnje ispuste u rijeke crnomorskog sliva te su uspoređene s masenim protocima dušika i fosfora dobivenim iz stvarnih mjerenja. Iz dobivenih rezultata je vidljivo da je masa dušika i fosfora koju gradovi u Republici Hrvatskoj ispuste u rijeke crnomorskog sliva relativno mala s obzirom na njihove masene protoke u rijekama. Time je utvrđeno da su za većinu dušika i fosfora odgovorni drugi izvori onečišćenjaHigh nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are responsible for eutrophication of waters. Eutrophication is the main cause of biodiversity decrease in the Black Sea. Consequently, the Black Sea has been designated a sensitive area status which resulted in changing policies regulating the wastewater treatments. In this study, theoretical masses of nitrogen and phosphorus annually released into the rivers of the Black Sea basin were determined for cities of the Republic of Croatia. Theoretical masses were then compared to the actual mass flows found in rivers. The results indicate the cities release relatively small amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, other sources of pollution need to be assessed
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