Zadar : Sveučilište u Zadru
Stratifying the Lexicon in the Adriatic Studies
Ovaj se rad, posvećen radzoblju prvobitnog slavensko-romanskog kontakta (7.-13. v.), bavi problemom stratifikacije najstarijih romanskih pozajmljenica u srpsko-hrvatskom jeziku. Točnije, obrađeno je pet postojeih kriterija stratifikacije. Usp. Tekavčić(1976). To su: 1) tip zamjene lat.-rom. nenaglašenog A; 2) tip zamjene lat.-rom. U u otvorenom slogu uključujući i refleks sufiksa -ŌNA; 3) tip zamjene lat.-rom. grupa tipa -VNC-; 4) tip zamjene lat.-rom. grupa tipa -VRC-; i 5) metaplazam A- > o-. Osim toga obrađena su i tri nova kriterija: 6) tip zamjene lat.-rom. E; 7) tip refleksa deminutivnog sufika -ŬLU; i 8) status s.-h. kvantitete u lat.-rom. otvorenoj penultimi. I jedni i drugi kriteriji obrađeni su na temelju Leksikona u kojem su također obrađena mnoga pitanje etimologije, regionalne divergencije i leksičke geografije. Stratifikacija najstarijih romanskih pozajmljenica važan je predmet i za romansku i za slavensku historijsku gramatiku jer uči kako o razvitku dalmato-romanskoga tako i o razvitku srpsko-hrvatskoga jezika.Dedicated to the period of the original Slavo-Romance contact (7-13 c. AD) the present work tackles the stratification of the oldest Romance borrowings in Serbo-Croatian and its issues. In particular, five existing criteria have been re-visited. Cf. Tekavčić (1976). These are: 1) Lat.-Rom. unstressed A and the type of its substitution; 2) Lat.-Rom. U in the open syllable and the type of its substitution including the reflex of the suffx -ŌNA; 3) Lat.-Rom. cluster -VNC- and the type of its substitution; 4) Lat.-Rom. cluster -VRC- and the type of its substitution; and 5) metaplasm A- > o-. Besides these three additional criteria have been proposed: 6) Lat.-Rom. E and the type of its substitution; 7) Lat.- Rom. -ŬLU and the type of its substitution; and 8) state of SCr. quantity in the Lat.-Rom. open penultimate syllable. Both types of criteria have been established on the basis of the Lexicon in which many other points concerning etymology, regional diversification and lexical geography have been treated as well. Stratification of the oldest Romance borrowings is an issue of importance not only for the Romance but also for the Slavic historical grammar since it illustrates both the evolution of Dalmato-Romance and the Serbo-Croatian language
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