U svim zdravstvenim radnim organizacijama SR Hrvatske, 31. XII 1970. godine bilo je zaposleno 508 stomatologa i 472 viša zubara i zubara, ukupno 980 zubnih terapeuta, odnosno jedan na 4 450 stanovnika. S tako minimalnim brojem zaposlenih stomatologa i zubara u odnosu na cjelokupnu populaciju, služba za zdravstvenu zaštitu usta i zubi, ne može zadovoljiti ni najosnovnije potrebe stanovništva za zubnom njegom i zaštitom. Stalno i sistematsko upozoravanje cjelokupne struke, svih odgovornih organa i foruma o neodrživosti takvog stanja, urodilo je još jednim plodom. Novim Zakonom o zdravstvu i zdravstvenom osiguranju, obvezuje se svaka općina, da na svom području uz ostale oblike zdravstvene zaštite, obvezatno osigura stanovništvu, a osobito djeci i omladini, prevenciju, liječenje usta i zubi te regulaciju zubi i čeljusti. Prijedlogom Odluke o utvrđivanju minimalnog broja zdravstvenih radnika određene vrsti za provođenje obvezatnih mjera zdravstvene zaštite, koja je već upućena na mišljenje općinskim skupštinama i skupštinama zajednica socijalnog osiguranja, smatra se, da bi za zubnozdravstvenu zaštitu do kraja 1975. godine, svaka općina morala osigurati najmanje jedan tim, od jednog zubnog terapeuta, zubnog tehničara i zubne asistentice na svakih 3 000 stanovnika, kao što je i ranijim, a iz poznatih razloga nerealiziranim, planom razvoja stomatološke službe bilo predviđeno.
U 1972. godini, u prvoj godini provođenja Zakona u život, svaka bi općina morala imati osiguran jedan tim na najmanje 4 500 stanovnika, čime bi se, prema dosad izvršenim proračunima, iduće godine omogućilo zapošljavanje 224 zubna terapeuta, tehničara i zubnih asistentica, a u 1973. i 1974. godini jedan tim na 3 500 stanovnika, odnosno zaposlenje za daljnjih 200 ili ukupno 424 kompletna tima. Realizacijom plana dugoročnog razvoja zdravstvene zaštite naroda u SR Hrvatskoj, treba osigurati daljnje sistematsko unapređivanje i modernizaciju stomatološke djelatnosti, kako bi ona iz svoje zaostalosti konačno prerasla u suvremenu službu, koja će biti u stanju, da s dovoljnim brojem zaposlenih kadrova, preuzme potpunu socijalno-medicinsku zaštitu usta i zubi cjelokupnog stanovništva.On 31 December 1970 there was a total of 508 stomatologists and 472 senior dentists employed in the health and medical institutions of SR Croatia, that is a total of 980 dental therapeutists or one to 4450 inhabitants. With such a minimal number of stomatologists and dentists in proportion to the entire population, the service concerned with health protection of the teeth and the mouth cannot satisfy even the most fundamental requirements of dental care and protection of the population.Continuous and systematic complaints of the entire profession addressed to the bodies and authorities responsible about the difficulties encountered due to the lack of trained staff bore another fruit. The new Law on Health and Health Insurance includes a clause whereby apart from other froms of health protection in its own territory every municipality is obliged to guarantee to the population and especially to children and youth that prevention, treatment of the mouth and teeth and regulation of the teeth and jaws will be undertaken. With the draft of the Decision on the Determination of the Minimal Number of health Workers of a certain type to carry out compulsory measures of health protection, which has been passed to the municipal assemblies and social insurance institutes of the municipalities for their opinion, it is envisaged that by the end of 1975 every Municipality will have secured at least one team consisting of a dental officer, a dental technician and an assistant to each 3000 inhabitants. This has been foreseen by earlier plans for the development of the stomatologic service which for unknown reasons, however has not been carried out so far. In 1972, the first year of this Law coming into force, every Municipality will have to appoint one team at least to take care of 4500 inhabitants. According to preliminary calculations possibilities would thus be given in the course of next year for the employment of 224 dentists, technicians and assistants. For 1973 and 1974 it is aimed that one team takes care of 3500 inhabitants, respectively employment for a further 200 or a total of 424 complete teams is envisaged. The realization of the plan for long-term development of the health protection for the people in SR Croatia should tend to secure further systematic improvement and modernization of the stomatological services with the aim of transfiguring these old-fashioned, inadequate services into a modern service with a sufficient number of staff members, capable of taking over full socio-medical protection of the mouth and the teeth of the entire population.In allen öffentlichen zahnärztlichen Institutionen in SR Kroatien waren Ende des Jahres 1970 insgesammt 980 Zahnärzte beschäftigt, bzw. 1 Zahnarzt auf 4450 Einwohner. Dieses ungünstige Verhältnis kann den Bedürfnissen nach zahnärtzlicher Betreung nicht im entfernstesten genügen. Der neue Gesetzentwurf über die gesundheitliche Versicherung verpflichtet jeden Landkreis seine Bevölkerung, insbesondere aber Kinder und Jugendliche, mit der Behandlung von Zahn-und Munder- krangungen, Zahn- und Kieferregulierung, zu versorgen. Der Vorschläge über die Bestimmung der minimalen Anzahl von zahnärztlichen Arbeitern für die Durchführung des obligaten zahnärztlichen Gesundheitsdienstes sieht vor, dass bis Ende 1970 in jeden Landkreis zumindest 1 Team, bestehend aus 1 Zahnarzt, 1 Zahntechniker und einer Gehilfin, auf je 3000 Einwohner, sichergestellt sein müsste. Im Jahre 1972, im ersten Jahre des Inkrafttretens des Gesetzes, müsste jeder Landkreis zumindest 1 Team auf 4500 Einwohner haben. Damit würden im Laufe des nächsten Jahres 224 Zahnärzte, Techniker und Gehilfinen Beschäftigung finden, während im Jahre 1973 und 1974 ein Team auf 3500 Einwohner käme ,was eine weitere Beschäftigung von 200 Teams, dh. insegesamt von 424 voller Teams, ermöglichen würde. Der langfristige Entwicklungsplan sieht eine weitere Entwicklung und Modernisierung des stomatologischen Dienstes und die systematische Versorgung der ganzen Bevölkerung, vor