University of Zagreb. Faculty of Teacher Education. Chair of Arts.
Glazbena baština Turopolja
Folklor je narodna baština neke zemlje na čijim je temeljima osnovana tradicija i identitet tog naroda. Folklorno stvaralaštvo glazbe, pjesme, plesa i igre, iako je nastalo prošlim stoljećima i danas se njeguje i prenosi. Djeca i danas pjevaju pjesmice i igraju se igara koje pripadaju folklornoj baštini iako toga nisu svjesni, i upravo je to način na koji ona ostaje živa. Dječji folklor dijeli se na stvaralaštvo odraslih namijenjeno djeci i na stvaralaštvo djece namijenjeno djeci. Odrasli pjevaju djeci pjesmice dok su ona mala i time ih uvode u svijet folklora, a kada malo porastu djeca se počinju međusobno igrati, učiti jedni od drugih ili samostalno smišljati pjesmice i rime. Turopoljski običaji i tradicionalni obredi i dalje su sastavni dio nekih domaćinstava tog kraja, a za javnost ih često prikazuju i obilježavaju KUD-ovi i time prenose i čuvaju kulturnu i folklornu baštinu svog kraja.Folklore is a national heritage of some country on whose foundations is formed it's tradition and identity. Although it was created in the past centuries, folklore creativity of music, song, dance and game is still nurtured and transmitted. Today children sing songs and play games that belong to folklore heritage even though they don't know it, and exactly that is the way to keep it alive. Children's folklore is divided on creativity of adults intended for children and creativity of children intended for children. Adults sing to children while they are little and so introduce them to the world of folklore, and when they grow, children start to play with each other and learn from each other, come up with new songs and rhymes of their own. Traditional rituals of Turopolje are still a big part of some households from that region, and for public are often shown and prepared by Folklore Society
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