University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Independent chairs. Chair of Transport Infrastructure.
Analysis of Road Infrastructure in Regional Physical Plan of the County of Zagreb
Gradovi se sve više suočavaju sa zagušenjima prometne mreže što generira brojne negativne efekte kao što je produljenog vremena trajanja putovanja, povećani troškova prijevoza, zagađenje okoliša, buka, te povećanja prometnih nesreća. Prostor u kojem se planira izgradnja prometne infrastrukture treba biti promatran kao održivi prostorno – ekološki i funkcionalni sustav. Sustav prostornog uređenja ostvaruje se izradom i donošenjem prostornih planova te njihovom primjenom na temelju izdanih akata za provedbu i/ili posebnih propisa. Planiranjem cestovne infrastrukture kroz prostorne planove regionalnog značaja podržava se uravnoteženi regionalni razvoj i međusobno nadopunjavanje ruralnih i urbanih područja. Potrebno je razvijati integralni pristup i omogućiti mobilnost i jednaku dostupnost u svim područjima čime se stvaraju uvjeti za gospodarski razvoj.Cities are increasingly confronted with congestion of a transport network that generates numerous negative effects such as extended travel time, increased transportation costs, environmental pollution, noise, and increased traffic accidents. The space in which the construction of transport infrastructure is planned should be considered as a sustainable spatial - ecological and functional system. The system of spatial planning is realized through the development and adoption of spatial plans and their implementation based on issued implementing acts and / or special regulations. Planning of road infrastructure through spatial plans of regional importance supports balanced regional development and mutual complementation of rural and urban areas. It is necessary to develop an integrated approach and to enable mobility and equal access in all areas, that are creating the conditions for economic development
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