A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
Vijesti Državne geodetske uprave
U radu je dan prikaz vijesti Državne geodetske uprave
Download Croatian 2001 CORE geodetska uprava, Državna
Vijesti Državne geodetske uprave
U radu je dan prikaz vijesti Državne geodetske uprave
Download Croatian 2001 CORE geodetska uprava, Državna
53rd Annual Texas A&M Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College …, 2000
Automated Analysis of Fault Records and Dissemination of Event Reports
Download 2000 Tomo Popovic
'Croatian State Archives'
Die Organisation der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Heeres auf dem Territorium Kroatiens 1868-1914
Članak daje pregled organizacije austrougarske vojske na području Kraljevina Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije u razdoblju od početka uspostave novog vojnog ustroja dvojne monarhije 1868. do početka Prvog svjetskog rata 1914. godine. Pisan je na temelju onovremenih zakona s pripadajućim napucima koji su se odnosili na vojnu organizaciju Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, službenih vojnih listova i šematizama.Seit dem Jahr 1868 gibt es in der Österreich-ungarischen Monarchie zwei parallele Militärorganisationen:...
Download Croatian 2000 CORE Milan Pojić
'Croatian State Archives'
Die Organisation der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Heeres auf dem Territorium Kroatiens 1868-1914
Članak daje pregled organizacije austrougarske vojske na području Kraljevina Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije u razdoblju od početka uspostave novog vojnog ustroja dvojne monarhije 1868. do početka Prvog svjetskog rata 1914. godine. Pisan je na temelju onovremenih zakona s pripadajućim napucima koji su se odnosili na vojnu organizaciju Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, službenih vojnih listova i šematizama.Seit dem Jahr 1868 gibt es in der Österreich-ungarischen Monarchie zwei parallele Militärorganisationen:...
Download Croatian 2000 CORE Milan Pojić
'Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration - LRIPA NAPA'
City of Zagreb within the system of local self-government in the Republic of Croatia
During the closing years of the 20th Century the relation of the city of Zagreb towards its environment varied. The various territorial divisions and the various political and legal conditions did not favor a cohesion within the urban whole and a development of the city as the Croatian metropolis. By the Statute on the City of Zagreb of 1992, which defined a double statute of Zagreb (a city and a county) its autonomy was significantly restricted, as well as the rights and the authority in relation...
Download Croatian 2000 CORE Juraj Hrženjak
'Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration - LRIPA NAPA'
City of Zagreb within the system of local self-government in the Republic of Croatia
During the closing years of the 20th Century the relation of the city of Zagreb towards its environment varied. The various territorial divisions and the various political and legal conditions did not favor a cohesion within the urban whole and a development of the city as the Croatian metropolis. By the Statute on the City of Zagreb of 1992, which defined a double statute of Zagreb (a city and a county) its autonomy was significantly restricted, as well as the rights and the authority in relation...
Download Croatian 2000 CORE Juraj Hrženjak
'University of Zadar'
Prilog poznavanju geografskih obilježja otoka Paga
The theme of the paper is the geographical characteristics of the Pag Island, which belongs to the Zadar region in South Croatia. (Dalmatia). The author gives careful consideration to its geographical position, extension and size, physiogeographical features (geology, geomorphology), speleological characteristics, climate, land and sea waters, vegetation, soils) and sociogeographic characteristics. Special attention is paid to the historic- geographical aspect of the development and population in...
Download English 2000 CORE Damir Magaš
Institute of arhaeology
The lately published Hoard from Pustakovec and other prehistoric Hoards from NW Croatia
Načinjena je statistika sedamnaest brončanodobnih ostava iz sjeverozapadne Hrvatske posebno s obzirom na nalaz ostave iz Pustakovca pokraj Koprivnice. Ona je uvrštena u drugi horizont ostava starije kulture polja sa žarama s uobičajenim repertoarom oblika - srpovi, sjekire, koplja, britve, dlijeta i mnogo nakita
Download Croatian 2000 CORE Dunja Glogović
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