A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
Željko Tomičić, Bjelobrdski kulturni krug. Groblja 9. do 13. stoljeća u međurječju Mure, Drave, Dunava i Save, Zagreb–Požega, 2019.
Prikaz knjige Željko Tomičić, Bjelobrdski kulturni krug. Groblja 9. do 13. stoljeća u međurječju Mure, Drave, Dunava i Save, Zagreb–Požega, 2019
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Jarak, Mirja
'The Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts / Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SAZU)'
To the gods of war: Early Iron Age weapon hoards in the hinterland of Caput Adriae
V brezno Mušje jame pri Škocjanu na Krasu so v okviru kultnih obredov metali najmanj štiri stoletja bronasto orožje, zaščitno bojno opremo, posode in drugo. Ob prenehanju teh obredov na območju Škocjana so se v zaledju Caput Adriae pojavili posebni depoji vrste Tržišče-Porpetto z železnim orožjem, med katerim prevladujejo sulične osti. Razlikovati je mogoče med starejšo in mlajšo skupino teh depojev, ki se ločita tudi po sestavi in razprostranjenosti. Za starejšo skupino, ki jo zasledimo v Istri,...
Download Slovene 2021 CORE Božič, Dragan , Guštin, Mitja
'Institute of Archaeology'
Buckles of Antiquity from the Museum Collections of Bosnia and Herzegovina (a selection)
Na prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine čuva se izvjestan broj predmeta koji se mogu determinirati kao kopče. Navedeni predmeti služili su u praktične svrhe, ali i kao dio dekorativnoga sadržaja. S obzirom na širok spektar predmeta koji su obrađeni, i datacijski okvir je razmjerno širi i kreće se od 1. stoljeća pa do perioda kasne antike i ranoga srednjeg vijeka.A number of artefacts that may be identified as buckles are stored in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These objects were both practical and decorative....
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Busuladžić, Adnan
Ottoman Attacks on Međimurje During the 17th Century in Ottoman Narrative Sources
U članku se analizira opise vojnih ofenziva Osmanskoga Carstva na području Međimurja tijekom 17. stoljeća u osmanskim narativnim izvorima, odnosno u šest kronika, u jednoj zbirci korespondencije i u jednom putopisu iz istog stoljeća. U njima se opisuju osmanski napadi na Međimurje na prijelazu iz 1602. u 1603., 1663. i 1664. godine, kao i nekoliko planiranih, ali neostvarenih napada 1601., 1605., 1606., 1664. i 1683. godine. U analiziranim izvorima se pri gotovo svakom spomenu Međimurja spominju...
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Vlašić, Anđelko
Constitutional patriotism in the context of Habermas’s political philosophy
Although the work of Jürgen Habermas is often associated with constitutional patriotism as a post-national and post-conventional political identification and allegiance to a set of fundamental norms and principles of a political community, Habermas himself did not elaborate it as a fully-fledged theory. Nevertheless, this paper shows that constitutional patriotism is rooted in some of the most significant elements of his epistemology and is integrally embedded in his social and political theory....
Download English 2021 CORE Predrag Zenović
University Library in Kragujevac
Traditional use of plants in Kuršumlija
Plants as a source of active phytochemistry are the basis of nutrition. However, man uses them in traditional medicine and veterinary medicine, but also as raw materials in many branches of industry (textile, construction…). The need and role of traditional medicines in the health care system havе been growing in recent decades. The aim of the research is to determine the list of plants that are traditionally used by the local population on the territory of the municipality of Kuršumlija, and the...
Download 2021 CORE Pavlović, Milica , Zlatić, Nenad , Stanković, Milan , Todorovic, Marija , Đelić, Gorica , Simović, Goran
Croats of the Bihać area from the Ottoman invasion until today
Šire bihaćko područje je od središta hrvatskog etničkog prostora u srednjem vijeku, zbog osmanlijske invazije i dugotrajne okupacije postalo u novom vijeku rubno područje na granici velesila, država i različitih civilizacija. Demografske promjene, na koje su utjecale vojne i političke okolnosti, najviše su se odrazile na hrvatsko katoličko stanovništvo. U zahtjevnim okolnostima Hrvati katolici su u širem graničnom krajiškom području opstali najvećim dijelom oko samog grada Bihaća.Almost two centuries...
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Ivić, Anto
'Uniwersytet Lodzki (University of Lodz)'
Common action: Can grassroots initiatives propel territorial governance in Montenegro?
In recent years, grassroots organising has become important in advocating for the interests of local communities in spatial development processes in the Balkans. Though differing in terms of size, focus, and method, these initiatives seek to articulate dissatisfaction with the existing models of spatial governance, and to imagine, propose, and demand more just and inclusive alternatives. This paper focuses on grassroots activism contesting the top-down model of governing space in Montenegro. Based...
Download 2021 CORE Dragovic, Sonja
'Zhejiang University Press'
Cytocompatible cellulose nanofibers from invasive plant species Agave americana L. and Ricinus communis L.: a renewable green source of highly crystalline nanocellulose
: In this study, the fibers of invasive species Agave americana L. and Ricinus communis L. were successfully used for the first time as new sources to produce cytocompatible and highly crystalline cellulose nanofibers. Cellulose nanofibers were obtained by two methods, based on either alkaline or acid hydrolysis. The morphology, chemical composition, and crystallinity of the obtained materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy...
Download English 2021 CORE Rodrigues, João , Tomás, Helena , Ortega, Zaida , Alves, Carla S. , Krsmanović Whiffen, Radenka M. , Evdokimova, Olga L.
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