The casting moulds for socketed axes from the site Kalnik – Igrišče
Rad donosi rezultate istraživanja kasnobrončanodobnog naselja Kalnik – Igrišče i to dio koji se odnosi na postojanje ljevačke radionice iz perioda kulture polja sa žarama od 12. do 9. st. pr. Kr. Analiziraju se ulomci kalupa koji su služili za lijevanje šupljih sjekira. Donose se njihove tipološke i tehnološke karakteristike te se stavljaju u kontekst istovremenih nalaza s područja južne Panonije i susjednih zemalja.The paper shows the results of the investigation of the Late Bronze Age Kalnik – Igrišče settlement and the bronze-casting workshop from the period of the Urnfield culture (the 12th c. to the 9th c. BC). We analyse the fragments of bronze casting moulds for socketed axes, present their typological and technological characteristics, and put them in the context of the contemporary finds from the southern Pannonian plain and the neighbouring regions
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