A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
Neke promjene u prirodnom okolišu Koprivničko-đurđevačke Podravine i Kalnika u posljednjem stoljeću
Podravina se nalazi pod utjecajem globalnih klimatskih promjena (porast temperature na Zemlji, i ostalo) i njihovih pogubnih posljedica na prirodni okoliš i život čovjeka. Brojni su primjeri tih i drugih pojava na prostoru Koprivničko-đurđevačke Podravine i Kalnika u vremenskom intervalu 70 – 80 godina. Jedan od najznačajnijih čimbenika, pokretač mnogih izmjena u prirodnom okolišu, je pad razine podzemnih voda. Promjenama šumskih i travnjačkih ekosustava, odnosno njihovom regresijom ili kompletnim...
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Kranjčev, Radovan
Neke promjene u prirodnom okolišu Koprivničko-đurđevačke Podravine i Kalnika u posljednjem stoljeću
Podravina se nalazi pod utjecajem globalnih klimatskih promjena (porast temperature na Zemlji, i ostalo) i njihovih pogubnih posljedica na prirodni okoliš i život čovjeka. Brojni su primjeri tih i drugih pojava na prostoru Koprivničko-đurđevačke Podravine i Kalnika u vremenskom intervalu 70 – 80 godina. Jedan od najznačajnijih čimbenika, pokretač mnogih izmjena u prirodnom okolišu, je pad razine podzemnih voda. Promjenama šumskih i travnjačkih ekosustava, odnosno njihovom regresijom ili kompletnim...
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Kranjčev, Radovan
'Croatian Institute of History (Hrvatski Institut za Povijest)'
The Trialist Reform of Austro-Hungary in Liberal Slovene Newspapers from Trieste and Gorizia
Rad predstavlja ideju federalizacije Habsburške Monarhije, točnije formiranja njezine treće državne jedinice prije Prvoga svjetskog rata kroz objave slovenskih liberalnih časopisa iz Trsta i Gorice. Autor iznosi širi kontekst u okviru kojega se koncept oblikovao, a zatim analizira komentare predmetnih časopisa o reakcijama različitih političkih skupina, njihovim ambicijama te nacionalnim tenzijama koje su se manifestirale u kontekstu rasprave o trijalizmu. Polazišna je teza da je trijalizam prije...
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Igor Ivašković
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Which methods are the most reliable for predict weed seed bank?
The primary aim of the study was to estimate the weed seed bank in different management systems. Research on this topic is modestly and there are great variability in the results with similarly set experimental conditions, because of using different methods. Therefore, it was decided to use square method and to compare two methods for estimating weed seed bank: physical extraction of seed and seedling emergence method. The research was performed at the stationary long-term experiment "Plodoredi"...
Download 2021 CORE Oveisi, Mostafa , Božić, Dragana , Jovanović, Vladan , Vrbničanin, Sava , Đalović, Ivica , Saulić, Markola
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Antioxidant capacity of wild-growing orange mullein (Verbascum phlomoides L.)
Orange mullein is a biennial plant belonging to the figwort (Scrophulariaceae) family. The flowers are arranged in spikes located on the top of the stem, vivid yellow. It is a drought and cold-tolerant plant requiring much sunlight that grows on on pastures, roadsides, in dry weed associations. The subject of the study were leaves and flowers of the plant extracted in four different solvents, distilled water, 70% acetone, 70% methanol and 70% ethanol. Total phenolics are more present in the leaves...
Download 2021 CORE Prvulović, Dejan , Gvozdenac, Sonja , Kolarov, Radenka
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Biorational CO2 fumigaton of oil-seed rape: insecticidal potential and effect on seed quality
Fumigation with carbon dioxide (CO2) is very effective biorational alternative to toxic chemical fumigants. It is widely used for a variety of commodities, and the efficacy against insect pests is well documented. However, the information on its effect on the quality of seeds, oilseeds in particular, is scarce. This information is important because oilseeds are more difficult to store and preserve, compared to cereal grains or legumes, and are more susceptible to quality deterioration due to high...
Download 2021 CORE Cvejić, Sandra , Prvulović, Dejan , Gvozdenac, Sonja , Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana , Ovuka, Jelena , Zeremski, Tijana , Stojanov, Nadežda
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
The influence of biofungicides on germination and protection of the seeds Foeniculum vulgare L.
There is no List of permitted plant protection products that can be used in medicinal and aromatic plant production. The effects of two biofungicides, from the List of permitted plant protection products used in organic production, on the seed quality and health of medicinal plant Foeniculum vulgare L. cv. 'Vojvođanski' were examined. The aim was to find products of plant permitted in organic production with beneficial effect on fennel seeds. Seed germination testing was done according to the Rule...
Download 2021 CORE Gordanić, Stefan , Mrđan, Snežana , Ugrenović, Vladan , Mikić, Sara , Marković, Tatjana , Filipović, Vladimir , Popović, Vera
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