A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
The Three‐Way Interaction of Autonomy, Openness to Experience, and Techno‐Invasion in Predicting Employee Creativity
ABSTRACTDespite the increasing need for creativity in rapidly evolving markets and work environments, not all employees are able to engage in this crucial behavior at work. The interactionist perspective suggests that creativity in organizations can be predicted by the interplay of individual and situational elements. With this theoretical framework, the study aimed to generate and develop insights into the job autonomy–employee creativity relationship by proposing and testing the joint moderating...
Download 2024 Matej Černe , Saleh Samimi Dehkordi , Amadeja Lamovšek , Katerina Božič , Ivan Radević
Beyond the office walls: Work design configurations for task performance across on‐site, hybrid and remote forms of work
AbstractDespite alternative work arrangements becoming more prevalent, existing work design approaches are mostly based on research and practice of traditional on‐site work. Struggles with capturing employee performance are reported across different off‐site, non‐traditional forms of work, such as remote and hybrid. This article performs a comprehensive fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to juxtaposing different configurations of job characteristics across forms of work. Our multi‐source...
Download 2024 Shaima' Salem Mohammed , Matej Černe , Amadeja Lamovšek , Ivan Radević
Using Smart Devices for Monitoring Elderly Patients in Rural Areas of Calabria after COVID-19 Vaccination: Experiences within the SI4CARE Project
The SI4CARE project is a transnational project which aims to develop both strategy and action plans to improve health and social care in the Adriatic–Ionian region. Starting from a survey of the status quo, each partner has developed some pilots to support the development and monitoring of the policy actions. In particular, partner number three, the Municipality of Miglierina, designed and developed a pilot related to the use of wearable devices for monitoring elderly patients in rural areas. With...
Download 2023 Katarina Vukojevic , Srdjan Kožetinac , Pietro Guzzi , , Dionysia Kontaxopolou , Danira Matijaca , Miodrag Miljkovic , Danica Stevovic , Vlatka Martinovic , Alessio Merola , Elisabetta Pedace , Filomena Talarico , Alessandro Gallo , Francesco Esposito , Nicola Mayera , Roberta Matkovic , Anamarija Kejar , Stella Fragkiadaki , Katjia Matesan , Salvatore Fregola , Vlado Dimovski , Margherita Menon , Ivan Radević , Guido Piccoli , Darja Semrov ... Pogledajte sve
Faculty of Economics, University of Split
New and old dual economy
This paper aims to provide a possible explanation for the strange reoccurrence of the dual economy in developed countries. The dual economy is understood as consisting mainly of two sectors that differ in productivity, salaries, and related characteristics. It was hypothesized there is a relationship between secular stagnation, the slowdown in productivity growth, stagnation in wages, and the dual economy’s reoccurrence. In explaining this relationship, technological progress and the process of...
Download 2022 Milenko Popović , Ivan Radević
Inovatus Usluge d.o.o.
Is the Recovery of Transition Countries Possible on the New Global Stage and How?
When it comes to finding a new development formula in transition countries, it is worrisome that a well-trodden development paradigm lacks in today’s multipolar world. Therefore, overcoming the apparent deadlock in the development of transition countries is possible only through the “new” order, or, in other words, through acceptance of the “new” economic paradigm of development. This paper aims to answer the key question regarding the development perspectives of the transition countries, “Can the...
Download 2020 Anja A. Lojpur , Anđelko S. Lojpur , Nikola Martinović , Ivan Radević
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