Institute of arhaeology
Urnfield Culture Knives in Croatia
U radu se obrađuju brončanodobni noževi po vrstama nalazišta: ostave, grobovi, naselja i pojedinačni nalazi. Najviše je noževa nađeno u ostavama, a najmanje u naseljima brončanoga doba. Datirani su, ovisno o tipskoj pripadnosti, od srednje bronce do Ha B 2/B 3.Most knives’ fragments have been found in hoards (descending): Brodski Varoš, Beravci, Podcrkavlje, Mačkovac, Poljanci II, Otok–Privlaka. One knife has been found in each of the hoards: Bošnjaci, Budinšćina, Dabar– Marina, Donja Bebrina, Dolina, Ivanec Bistranski, Kapelna, Lonđica, Mačkovac I (Crišnjevi), Malička, Podrute, Poljanci I and Topličica. The Urnfield necropolis Velika Gorica yielded a couple of interesting knife types of the late Urnfield culture, e.g. of the type Seeboden, an antenna-handle knife, etc. Among isolated finds there is a knife of the Egelsheim type from Ivanska, which is the oldest. The knife from Torčec has a special shape and has been subject to ICP AES analysis, and the results were compared to corresponding investigations of Bronze Age finds in Slovenia (Hočko Pohorje, Pekel, Udje). Only two fragmented knives have been found within the context of a settlement – the knife from Novigrad on Sava River and the knife from Pogorišće
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