'Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts'
Changes of the settlements’ names in the Croatian lands in light of the administrative determinations in the period from 1860 to 1960
U radu se obrađuju administrativna određenja imena naseljenih mjesta na hrvatskome povijesnom području kako su ih u razdoblju od 1860. do 1960. zakonskim odredbama, naredbama i drugim odlukama propisivala ministarstva ili druga upravna tijela mjerodavna za imenovanja i promjene imena naseljenih mjesta. Normiranja imena naseljenih mjesta bila su motivirana administrativnim, političkim i ideološkim razlozima. Predmetno razdoblje pruža uvid u intervencije u hrvatsku onimiju kao odraz okolnosti u kojima se nalazilo hrvatsko društvo, država, jezik i kultura.The paper discusses administrative determinations of the names of towns in the Croatian lands in the period from 1860 to 1960, as applied through statutory provisions, orders and other decisions by ministries or other administrative authorities responsible for naming and renaming settlements. Standardization of names of settlements was motivated by administrative, political and ideological reasons. The subject provides insight into a period of intervention in Croatian onymia as a reflection of the situation in which the Croatian state, society, language and culture found itself
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