Croatian scientific society for the history of health culture
Rad opisuje sustav sanitetsko-higijensko-zdravstvene zaštite na željeznici u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1945. do 1953. Prema prvoj organizaciji iz 1945. unutar Personalnog odjeljenja Željezničke uprave Zagreb, nalazio se Odsjek za socijalno staranje s referenstvima za: osiguranje za slučaj bolesti i nesreće, penziono osiguranje radnika i sanitetske poslove. Prema unutarnjoj organizaciji Glavne direkcije eksploatacije željeznica Zagreb, koja je uvedena 1947., unutar Sekretarijata nalazio se i Sanitetski odsjek za čijeg je šef određen dr. Marijan Derkos. Godine1948. u Ministarstvu saobraćaja u Beogradu i pri glavnim direkcijama eksploatacije željeznica osnovane su uprave zdravstvene službe za prometno osoblje. Uprava zdravstvene službe Glavne direkcije eksploatacije željeznica Zagreb nalazila se u Grgurovoj ulici 3. u Zagrebu. Nakon što je 1953. rasformirana zdravstvena služba koja je upravljala zdravstvenim ustanovama željeznice, regionalne su direkcije osnovale vlastite zdravstvene ustanove, koje su se same financiraleThis paper describes the system of medical hygiene and health care adopted by the Croatian section of Yugoslav Railways in the aftermath of World War Two until 1953, based on archival information. In 1945, the human resources section of the Railway Administration in Zagreb included the Department of Social Welfare with offices that managed health insurance in cases of illness and accidents, workers’ pension fund, and sanitary care.. On 19 June 1947, the regional railway executive board established a medical section within the so called Secretariat and appointed Dr Marijan Derkos as its head. On 3 July 1948, central and regional healthcare offices for traffic staff were established to manage and oversee the activities of health institutions providing services for railway workers. The seat of the regional office in Zagreb was in Grgurova street. After the dismantlement of the central healthcare office in charge of railway health institutions in 1953, regional boards established new institutions, that were now self-financed
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