'Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar'
Izuzetno okrutan način stradanja civilnog stanovništva u ratnoj agresiji Srbije na Republiku Hrvatsku 1991 ... (prema još napotpunim podacima udio civila stradalih u masakrima prema ukupnom broju stradalih civila iznosi 61%), kao i činjenica da su zločini počinjeni na hrvatskim teritorijima na koje Srbija ima teritorijalne pretenzije - temeljem su naše teze da je genocid dio srpske ratne strategije. Kao relevantni izvori podataka u radu su korištene evidencije vladinih institucija (Glavni stožer saniteta Hrvatske vojske i Komisija za postupanje s osobama zarobljenim u ratu protiv Hrvatske) te hrvatski tisak (od 2. svibnja 1991. do ožujka 1993) i manji broj medicinskih publikacija (Croatian Medical Journal, War Supplement 1 i 2) i izdanje Hrvatske sveučilišne naklade Mass Killing and Genocide in Croatia 1991/92). Podaci o broju stradalih osoba koje iznosimo nisu precizna, kvantitativna slika stanja u ovom trenutku, što i nije bila naša namjera, već su dokumentirana i znanstveno argumentirana ilustracija stradanja hrvatskog pučanstva u razdoblju najjače agresije Srbije na neke hrvatske teritorije koje se željelo osvojiti i etnički očistiti.The extremely cruel sufferings ofthe civilian population in Serbia\u27s armed aggression against Croatia in 1991, (according to still incomplete data the proportion of civili ian casualties in the masacres with regard to the total number of civillians killed is 61%), as well as the fact that the crimes were committed on Croatian territory towards which Serbia has territorial claims - are the basis of our argument that genocide is part of the Serbian war strategy. The relevant sources of information used in the paper were government institution records (the Medical Corps Headquarters of the Croatian Army and the Commission for Dealing With Prisoners of War), Croatian newspapers (from May 2nd 1991 through March 1993), a small number of medical publications (Croatian Medical Journal, War Supplement 1 and 2) and Mass Killing and Genocide in Croatia 1991/92 published by the Croatian University Publishing House). Information presented in the text regarding the number of casualties is not an accurate image of the current situation, which was not our intention in the first place, but a documented and scientifically argued illustration of the suffering of the Croatian people in the period of the fiercest Serbian aggression against those Croatian territories the Serbs wanted to conquer and submit to ethnical cleansing. The arguments presented in this paper, although incomplete due to justifiable reasons, are deemed as sufficient evidence that an attempt has been made at exterminating one group - nation, or, a part of it within a certain territory, and this has been qualified by international conventions as genocide.Sowohl die ausssrst brutale Tčtunq der Zivllbevčlkerunq im Angriffskrieg Serbiens gegen die Republik Kroatien 1991 (faut den noch nicht vollstandlqen Angaben betraqt der Anteil der geteteten Zivilisten im Gemetzel im VerMltnis zur Gesamtzahl der geteteten ZiVilisten 61%) als auch die Tatsache, dass die Verbrechen auf den kroatischen Gebieten, auf die Serbien AnsprOche erhebt, verObt worden sind, begrOnden unsere These, dass das Genozid ein Teil der serbischen Kriegsstrategie ist. Bei der Arbeit sind die Evidenz der Regierungsinstitutionen (das Sanltatskorps der kroatischen Armee und die Kommission fOr die Behanlung der Kriegsgefangener) und die kroatische Presse (vom 2. Mai 1991 bis sum Marz 1993) und einige Medizinvereffentlichungen (Croatian Medical Journal, War Supplement 1 und 2) und die ~usgabe des kroatischen Universitatsverlags (Mass Killing and Genocide in Croatia 1991/92) als die relevante Angabenquelle verwendet worden. Die angefOhrten Angaben Ober die geteteten Personen stellen kein genaues quantitatives Abbild der jetzigen Zustande dar, was wir auch nicht beabsichtigt haben, sondern sie sind eine dokumentierte und wissenschaftlich argumentierte Illustration von der Tčtunq der kroatischen Bevčlkerunq im Zeitraum der starkstsn Kampfhandlungen Serbiens in einigen kroatischen Gebieten, die man erboren und ethnisch saubsrn wollte
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