Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
Quality of prospective soy lines in the registration process in 2021
Oplemenjivači soje instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo kontinuirano rade na stvaranju novih genotipova, od kojih se izdvajaju superiorne linije po visini prinosa i nakon višegodišnjih testiranja daju na dvogodišnje ispitivanje u Odeljenje za priznavanje sorti, Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede. Ova testiranja vrše se na pet lokaliteta i da bi linija prošla registraciju neophodno je da ostvari u proseku za dve godine prinos viši od 3% u odnosu na standardne sorte za pojedine grupe zrenja. Cilj ovoga rada je sagledavanje prinosa, sadržaja proteina i ulja, te prinosa proteina i ulja po jedinici površine linija soje u prvoj godini testiranja. Najviši prinos zrna imala je linija NS-L 410190 (3.623 kg ha-1). Najviši sadržaj proteina imala je linija NS-L 500091 (44,45%), dok je najviši sadržaj ulja zabeležen kod sorte NS Apolo (20,83%) i linije NS 500090 (20,53%).Soybean breeders from the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops are continuously working on creating new genotypes, from which superior yield lines stand out, and after many years of testing, they are given a two-year test in the Department of Variety Recognition, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. These tests are performed at five localities, and in order for the line to be registered, it is necessary to achieve an average yield of more than 3% in two years compared to the standard varieties for certain groups of maturation. The aim of this paper is to consider the yield, protein and oil content, and protein and oil yield per unit area of soybean lines in the first year of testing. The highest grain yield was in the line NS-L 410190 (3623 kg ha-1). The highest protein content was found in the NS-L 500091 line (44.45%), while the highest oil content was recorded in the NS Apollo variety (20.83%) and the NS 500090 line (20.53%)
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