SAGE Publications
Simulation of disequilibrium and chaos in aggregates of disposable income, wealth, and consumption in EU macroeconomics using nonlinear dynamic analysis
Economic disequilibrium theory (DT) more realistically represents modern macroeconomic systems than general equilibrium theory. DT coupled with applied mathematical economics and nonlinear dynamical analysis generates multi-dimensional phase spaces. Interdependencies of endogenous variables in state space create a flow of different and “parallel economic realities,” which depend on the initial conditions. By modeling variable changes using the nonlinear least squares (NLLS) method, we define the first-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation (NODE) system. The NODE system is impossible to solve analytically. The numerical solution and visualization requires the MATLAB software package, combined with its specialized applications pplane (two-dimensional (2D)) and MATCONT (three-dimensional (3D)). By analyzing the evolution of flow operators, we can predict the future qualitative behavior of the entire system, determine the model-optimal values, and perform inverse modeling for variables. The obtained data advocate better and more stable macroeconomic paths that economic policymakers can pursue. The proposed methodology’s boundaries have strong links to chaos theory. Chaotic behavior can arise after a certain number of periods. We found very high computation accuracy, transformation of discrete variables to continuous functions, and the implementation of high-order polynomial data fitting offset its effects in part and to some reasonable degree.
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