'Croatian Association of Civil Engineers'
Torsion of seismically isolated structures of irregular plan
Razmatra se torzijski odziv potresno izoliranih nesimetričnih višekatnih armiranobetonskih okvirnih konstrukcija pri jakom seizmičkom djelovanju. Analizirano je više varijanti (3 stupnja torzijske krutosti, 3 stupnja ekscentričnosti mase) izvorno simetrične konstrukcije, s različito raspoređenim elastomernim ležajevima. Rezultati dokazuju da pravilno raspoređeni protupotresni izolatori mogu bitno reducirati nepoželjne torzijske utjecaje gornje konstrukcije i izolacijskog sustava.Torsional response of seismically isolated nonsymmetrical multi-storey reinforced-concrete frame structures, subjected to strong seismic action, is considered. Several alternatives of an initially symmetrical structure are analysed (3 levels of torsional stiffness, 3 levels of mass eccentricity), for varied disposition patterns of elastomeric bearings. The results show that regularly arranged seismic isolators can significantly reduce adverse torsional impacts from the superstructure and the isolation system
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