Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
Flora of the Zrinska Gora Mountain (Croatia)
U radu se prikazuje flora Zrinske gore. Do sada to je područje bilo floristički gotovo neistraženo. Ranijim istraživanjem zabilježeno je samo 6 vrsta. Za uže područje Zrinske gore tim istraživanjima zabilježene su 682 vrste vaskulame flore. Izvršena je i analiza flore s obzirom na životne oblike i florne elemente.Od životnih oblika na tom prostoru najzastupljeniji su hemikriptofiti, a od flornih elemenata euroazijski i biljke široke rasprostranjenostiFloristic research was undertaken in the period 1985-1987 in the wider area of Zrinska gora (Fig. 1). A total of 682 vascular plant taxa were found, only six of them being noted so far in floristic literature. Life form analysis (Tab. 1.) shows that hemicryptophytes have the greatest share (51.17 %), which corresponds to the spectrum of the moderate continental climate. Among the floral elements (Tab. 2.) Eurasian and cosmopolitan plants are the most numerous (54 %). The Illyrian-Balkan floral element has a small presence (1.91 %) while, due to sub-Mediterranean influence, there are 12.46 % South european plants
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