Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
U radu su objavljeni rezultati probnog sondiranja srednjovjekovne utvrde Dubovac kod Karlovca. Naglasak je postavljen na obradu prapovijesnog materijala, koji većinom datira iz prve polovice 1. tis. pr. Kr. te manjim dijelom iz 4. tis. pr. Kr. Predstavljena je stratigrafija nalazišta te tipološka i statistička analiza lončarije. Istraženi dio nalazišta smješten je na koničnu humku, koji je prirodnoga porijekla, ali je dobrim dijelom oblikovan ljudskim djelovanjem. Objekti iz prapovijesnog razdoblja naseobinske su naravi. Pronađena je i jedna starija, zidana faza utvrde, koja nije pouzdano datirana. U keramičkom materijalu utvrđene su stilske analogije sa širim krugom nalazišta završnoga stupnja brončanog doba i početka željeznog doba, naročito s Podunavljem i Podravljem. Temeljem statističke analize izdvojene su i neke tehnološke tradicije proizvodnje lončarije. Naročita pozornost posvećena je problemu prije laza brončanog u željezno doba na području Pokuplja s obzirom na pronađene nalaze.Th e results of test excavations conducted at the medieval Dubovac Castle near Karlovac are presented in this work. Emphasis is placed on analysis of the prehistoric material, which largely dates to the first half of the first millennium BC and, to a lesser extent, from the fourth millennium BC. The stratigraphy of the site is presented together with typological and statistical analysis of the pottery. Th e researched portion of the site is situated on a conical, naturally formed mound that was also considerably shaped by human activity. Th e structures from the prehistoric period are mostly traces of habitats. An older, stone-built phase of the castle was also discovered which has not been reliably dated. Among the ceramic material, stylistic analogies were ascertained with the wider sphere of sites of the fi nal phase of the Bronze Age and the onset of the Iron Age, particularly in the Danube and Drava River zones. Based on the statistical analysis, certain technological traditions of pottery production have been distinguished. Particular attention was dedicated to the problem of the transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age in the Kupa river zone, given the discovered artefacts
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