The catholic faculty of theology
U radu se donosi dosad posve nepoznata povijest župe Novo Čiče, povijest izgradnje i opremanja njezinih dviju sakralnih građevina (župne crkve sv. Ivana Krstitelja i kapele Trpećeg Isusa), opis umjetničkih djela te prve odrednice njihovih datacija, atribucija i valorizacija. Ti podaci povezuju širok vremenski raspon od polovine 18. pa sve do polovine 20. stoljeća, a svjedoče o aktivnoj i umjetnički osviještenoj zajednici. Uključuju i pojavu novih imena umjetnika-majstora koji zahtijevaju daljnju obradu te daju podlogu proširivanju opusa majstora koji su već poznati povijesnoumjetničkoj bibliografi ji. Ovaj rad je također ponajviše odjek koji župa neposredno šalje kao molbu za konkretnu konzervatorsku brigu, a koji se očituje kroz cijelu njezinu pisanu povijest.This article presents till now unknown history of parish Novo Čiče. Moreover, author delivers history of construction and furnishing of two sacral buildings: parish church of St. John the Baptist and chapel of the Suffering Jesus. Furthermore, this article deals with description of included art pieces, their dating, attribution and validation. Article embraces wide period of parish’s history, from its fi rst record in Statuta capituli Zagrabiensis from 1334, written by archdeacon John of Gorica, across parish memorial records from the mid nineteen century, till 70s of the twentieth century. These aforementioned memorial records (Liber […] Memorabilium […] Čičem […] ab 1844 […]) witness culturally active community that constantly tried to adequately furnish and preserve ecclesiastical property. For example, under the patronage of Erdödy family, and from 1871 under the patronage of Thurn and Taxis family, the chapel of Suffering Jesus was furnished with the main altar (1757) and side altars of St. Rocco and St. Joseph. At the same time, the parish church of St. John the Baptist acquired side altars of St. Anthony and Madonna (around 1897) and main altar of St. John the Baptist (1902). The latter altar, as well as the chapel in Novo Čiće (1905) was made according to the plans of Hektor Eckhel, one of the professors in crafts school in Zagreb. This investigation reviled names of some new and unknown master of arts, which requires further research. For example perish memorial records mention the name of Eduard Gerisch, who was curator in Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. In 1886 he copied Baptism of Christ of Guido Reni (1622/23, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) and placed copy at the main altar of the parish church in Novo Čiče. On the other hand, derived data extend our understanding of artists already known in history of art, such as H. Eckhel, August Posilović and Lovro Sirnik. At the end, the main purpose of this article was to introduce sacral heritage of parish Novo Čiče. By the same token, it is an echo of the constant appeal for necessary preservation of this valuable object
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