University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Independent chairs. Chair of Transport Infrastructure.
Geotraffic Analysis Bus Lines of Bus Station Sesvete
Ovaj rad se temelji na analizi naselja Sesvete, njegovih glavnih karakteristika, prometnog položaja kao i glavnih demografskih obilježja. Cilj rada je na primjeru autobusnih linija naselja Sesvete pokazati sve geoprometne značajke tog naselja, te analizirati prometnu infrastrukturu istočnog dijela Zagreba. Sastavni dio rada je i anketa provedena među stanovnicima Sesveta, o stanju prometne infrastrukture, prometne povezanosti s ostatkom grada te općenito o zadovoljstvu građana ovog dijela grada autobusnim linijama koje su im na raspolaganju.This paper is based on analysis of county Sesvete, their main characteristics, traffic position as well as their main demographic characteristics. The aim of this paper is to show all of geotraffic features on the case of bus station in Sesvete, and to analyze the transport infrastructure in the east part of the town Zagreb. The integral part of the paper is survey conducted among residents of county Sesvete about the state of transport infrastructure, traffic connections with the rest of the town, as well as the general satisfaction of citizens with the bus lines that they have on disposal
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