Trortasta fibula v Sloveniji
The following article discusses three-knobbed fibulae with regard to their typology, chronology and their spatial distribution.They are classified into eleven types with numerous variants. Spatially, they are distributed chiefly throughout the Sveta Lucija and Dolenjska regions, although they have also been discovered in Este, Bela krajina, Lika and Picenum. Their chronology is established upon the material finds from the Sveta Lucija and Dolenjska regions where threeknobbed fibulae are present already in the Sv. Lucija I c2 and Stična 2 horizons. They are even more abundant in the 'serpentine' fibula horizon and the Sv. Lucija II a level, and then they disappear in the Certosa horizon.V pričujočem članku so trortaste fibule obravnavane tipološko, kronološko in prostorsko. Tipološko so razvrščene v enajst vrst z več inačicami. Prostorsko so trortaste fibule razširjene predvsem v svetolucijskem in dolenjskem prostoru, zasledimo pa jih tudi v Estah, Beli krajini, Liki in Picenu. Kronologija temelji na svetolucijskem in dolenjskem gradivu, kjer se pojavijo trortaste fibule že v horizontu Sv. Lucija I c2 oziroma horizontu Stična 2. Njihova uporaba se razširi v horizontu kačastih fibul oziroma v stopnji Sv. Lucija II a, v certoškcm horizontu pa izginejo
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