'Institut Za Migracije I Narodnosti (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies)'
The Population of Zagreb and Its Surroundings from 1880 to 1980
U radu se iznose i analiziraju kretanja broja stanovništva u Zagrebu i njegovoj okolici u razdoblju od 1880–1980. Preko migracijskih salda nastoji se utvrditi udio stanovništva okolice u porastu ukupnog broja stanovnika grada. Navode se i podaci o rastu regionalnih centara (Bjelovara, Karlovca, Siska i Varaždina) smještenih na rubu zagrebačke okolice, koji su se na stanovit način mogli pojaviti u rasporedu migracije stanovništva iz svih dijelova okolice Zagreba.Trends in the number of inhabitants of Zagreb and its surroundings in the 1880–1980 period are described and analyzed. The migration balance is used as a possible indicator to determine the participation of the inhabitants from the surroundings of Zagreb in the increase of the overall population of the city. Data are furnished on the growth of some regional centres (i. e. Bjelovar, Karlovac, Sisak and Varaždin), situated on the fringes of the surroundings of Zagreb, which may have had something to do with the arrangements of population movements from all parts of the Zagreb vicinity
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