'Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts'
The structure of the onomastic entry in the encyclopaedic dictionary
U radu se sažeto prikazuje jedan od mogućih modela obradbe onomastičke građe u enciklopedijskome rječniku. Predloženi se obrazac ilustrira na nekolicini tipičnih primjera iz nedavno objavljenoga Hrvatskoga enciklopedijskoga rječnika i sažeto uspoređuje s primjerima obradbe onomastičkih natuknica u Skokovu etimologijskome rječniku.Onomastic data is rarely an obligatory component of a dictionary. The Croatian Encyclopedic Dictionary is the first dictionary in the long and rich Croatian lexicographic tradition to include extensive onomastic material. Since it was conceived as a descriptive rather than normative dictionary, its corpus by far exceeds the basic lexicographic corpus of standard Croatian. The decision to include the various names into the encyclopedic dictionary has resulted in the inclusion of a number of various dialectal and regional forms, as well as words which are not productive in standard Croatian any longer. Primarily, there are many non-transparent geographical terms which have left a permanent trace in toponymy, as well as numerous loanwords, which at least were onomastically productive when Croatian family names were established. The paper presents one of the possible models of including and elaborating onomastic material in the encyclopedic dictionary
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