Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet
The development of software solution for automatic choise of machining parameters for free form surfaces parts
Kada se posmatra problem projektovanja tehnologije obrade delova sa složenim površinama i dalje se nameće potreba za stalnim istraživanjem u ovom pravcu. Najviše je usmereno ka određivanju novih metoda za generisanje putanje alata koja bi respektovala uslov minimizacije ukupnog vremena obrade, a bez smanjenja kvaliteta proizvoda jer se vreme obrade direktno odražava na cenu proizvoda. U većini slučajeva projektant tehnologije sam bira alat i definiše parametre i strategiju obrade, ali postoje i softveri koji to rade na osnovu baze podataka ugrađene u sam sistem. U radu je prikazano razvijeno softversko rešenje na osnovu prethodno sprovedenih istraživanja na Katedri za proizvodno mašinstvo Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu.When it comes to the design and development of free form surfaces there is still a need continuously researching in this direction. It is mostly directed to determining new methods for tool path generation which will respect the requirement of minimal machining time with out decreasing of machining quality because machining time directly affects on product price. In most cases, manufacturing ingineer chose tool and machining parameters and tool path strategy, but there are softwares which consist of database built into the sistem itself. The paper present description of development software solution based on previous conducted research at the Production Engineering Department of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade
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