An Etruscan bone box from south-west Serbia and the problem of Late Archaic imports in the central Balkan area
The bone box from a princely tumulus at Atenica near Čačak, decoratcd in low relief with a fight of a lion and a stag sidelong and with a prone lion figure on the cover, is most probably of Etruscan origin. A large number of boxes of comparable size, shape and ornamentation have been found in Etruria; from that area they spread all over the Mediterranean world. Mentioning scanty Etruscan finds in the interior of the Balkans the author concludes that the box reached Atcnica, along with other south Italic and Greek objects, through the agency of Greek merchants. The occurrence of a great number of Greek and south Italic objects in the Central Balkans, in the last third of the 6th and the first third of the 5"' centuries B.C., is accounted for by specific circumstances: the growth of political and economic power of local princes and their increasing interest in foreign goods, as well as some historical events, like conflicts of the Greeks with the Persians and Carthaginians and the necessity of searching for new and insufficiently exploited markets. Finally, one of the problems brought forward by this import is discussed: the relationship of Greek Late Archaic and local geometric arts in the Central Balkans.Koščena škatlica iz knežje gomile v Atenici pri Čačku, okrašena ob strani s prizorom boja med levom in jelenom v plitvem reliefu in na pokrovu s figuro ležečega leva, je najverjetneje etruščanskega izvora. Škatlice podobne velikosti, oblike in okrasa so bile namreč najdene v velikem številu v Etruriji, od koder so se razširile po vsem Sredozemlju. Avtor omenja redke etruščanske najdbe iz notranjosti Balkana in sklepa, da so škatlico prinesli v Atcnico grški trgovci skupaj z drugimi južnoitalskimi in grškimi predmeti. Veliko število grških in južnoitalskih predmetov na osrednjem Balkanu v zadnji tretjini 6. in prvi tretjini 5. st. pr. n. š. pojasnjuje s specifičnimi okoliščinami, med katerimi omenja politično in ekonomsko krepitev domačih knezov in njihovo povečano zanimanje za tuje blago, pa tudi zgodovinska dogajanja (spopadi Grkov s Pcrzijci in Kartaginci) ter potrebo po iskanju novih in premalo izkoriščenih tržišč. Nazadnje je govor o enem izmed problemov, na katere opozarja ta import - o razmerju med grško poznoarhajsko in domačo geometrično umetnostjo na osrednjem Balkanu
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