'University of Zadar'
Fires as a Form of Distructing of Geographical Environment
Članak se bavi problematikom požara, i to napose šumskih požara na području Republike Hrvatske. Analizira se stanje ugroženosti od požara u zemlji u cjelini, te u njena dva požarima oprečno ugrožena područja: kontinentalnom pojasu i u priobalno-otočnom mediteranskom dijelu. Članak izdvaja najugroženije i požarima najdevastiranije prostore, te najugroženije šumske zajednice.The article considers the problem of fires, especially forest fires on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. It analyses the dangerous of fires in the country as a whole and particularly in its two antithetically endangered territories: continental zone and coastal-insular Mediterranean area. The article distinguishes fire mostly jeopardized and fire devastated areas and the most endangered forest communities
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