SAGE Publications
The role of fire disturbances, human activities and climate change for long-term forest dynamics in upper-montane forests of the central Dinaric Alps
We present the first high-resolution Holocene pollen, plant-macrofossil, and charcoal records from the upper-montane zone in the central Dinaric Alps. Drawing on these new records from well-dated lacustrine sediments of Zminje Jezero (ca. 1500 m a.s.l.; Montenegro) and on independent chironomid-inferred summer temperatures, we explore long-term ecosystem responses to variations in climate, fire disturbances and land use, as well as legacy effects of past environmental changes. A mixed spruce-fir forest established in the upper-montane zone around 9500 cal BP, and Fagus sylvatica became co-dominant with the two conifers after 5000 cal BP. Prehistoric land-use pressure was overall remarkably low, but increased since 2000 cal BP and was highest after the Middle Ages. We found a significant positive relationship between biomass burning and summer temperature, indicating that fires were mostly climate driven. Picea abies was insensitive to summer temperature, biomass burning and human impact, which supports the view that spruce forests may not be significantly impacted by fire. In contrast, Abies alba and other disturbance-sensitive trees ( Tilia, Ulmus, Fraxinus excelsior-type) show significant negative responses to land-use pressure and positive responses to summer temperature. This supports the notion that these species may be well-adapted to warmer-than present summer temperatures and that their populations declined in recent millennia due to land-use activities. Conversely, F. sylvatica was sensitive to summer temperatures but was promoted by low biomass burning, indicating that its expansion in the spruce-fir dominated forest was enhanced by the onset of cooler and possibly also moister climatic conditions as well as by fire disturbances.
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