Archaeological Museum Split
Iron-Age Fibulae from the Archaeological Collection of the Franciscan Monastery in Humac, Ljubuški
Prapovijesni fundus kao sastavni dio Arheološke zbirke Franjevačkog samostana na Humcu kod Ljubuškog čuva vrijedne i za arheologiju značajne predmete. B. Čović je publicirao značajnije skupine prapovijesnih nalaza, s posebnim osvrtom na reprezentativnije objekte. Inventar prapovijesnog fundusa većim dijelom čine slučajno prikupljeni nalazi sa širega područja Hercegovine. Brojnošću eksponata dominiraju mlađa prapovijesna razdoblja (brončano i željezno doba), a starija (paleolit, neolit i eneolit) zastupljena su pojedinačnim predmetima. Željeznodobni nakit Humačke zbirke predstavljen je ukrasima za glavu, vrat, prsa i ruke. Tema ovog rada su fibule, dok će ostali nakitni i ukrasni predmeti (igle, ogrlice, ukrasi za kosu, naušnice, privjesci, pojasne kopče i sl.) biti tema predstojećih radova.The prehistoric inventory as a component of the Archaeological Collection of the Franciscan Monastery in Humac, near Ljubuški, encompasses some valuable and, in terms of archaeological scholarship, important items. B. Čović published the major groups of prehistoric finds with special reference to the more notable pieces. The prehistoric inventory consists largely of chance finds gathered over a broad swath of Herzegovina’s territory. The high number of pieces are dominated by those from more recent prehistoric periods (the Bronze and Iron Ages), while the older periods (Paleolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic) are present as individual items. Iron Age jewellery from the Humac collection includes adornment for the head, neck, breast and hands. Fibulae shall be the topic of this paper, while other jewellery and decorative items (pins, necklaces, hair adornment, earrings, pendants, belt buckles, etc.) will be covered in subsequent works
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