'Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar'
Analizira se brončani nakit i metalni dijelovi nošnje, koji predstavljaju ukras glave, vrata, prsa, ruku i odjeće: sljepoočni koluti, ogrlice, fibule, igle, pojasne kopče, privjesci, narukvice. Predmeti, većinom neobjavljeni, čuvaju se u arheološkoj zbirci Sv. Ante na Humcu kod Ljubuškog i dijelom na posudbi u arheološkoj zbirci Sv. Stjepana u Gorici kod Gruda, ne mogu se dovesti u vezu sa sačuvanom dokumentacijom o okolnostima i mjestu nalaza. Na odabranim predmetima želi se istaknuti: pod prvo kontinuirani razvoj pojedinih oblika nakitnih predmeta koji se na području srednjodalmatinske kulturne skupine može pratiti još od kasnog brončanog, te dugo zadržavanje pojedinih oblika u uporabi; pod drugo ovisnost o uvozu i utjecajima naprednijih metaloprerađivačkih, tj. obrtničkih centara; pod treće specifične stvaralačke mogućnosti prerade i prilagodbe stranih utjecaja domaćim potrebama i ukusu; pod četvrto: lokalna proizvodnja i tipovi karakteristični za područje rasprostiranja srednjodalmatinske kulturne skupine. Iz svega navedenog proizlaze osobite karakteristike u ukusu i načinu kombiniranja različitih ukrasnih i funkcionalnih predmeta, prezentirane kroz navedene nepropadljive dijelove materijalne kulture humačke zbirke koji predstavljaju vrhunac dostignuća u umjetničkom obrtu. Samim tim, stanovništvu šireg ljubuškog kotara pripada važno mjesto u kulturnim tekovinama zapadnog Balkana, posebice izraženo u razdoblju od 7. st. pr. Kr. do 4. st. pr. Kr., što najbolje prezentira izabrani humački materijal.The jewellery items of the Central Dalmatian culture group kept at the Archaeological Collection of the Franciscan monastery in Humac near Ljubuški belong to a group of interesting craft products which represent high artisan achievement and testify to great artistic creativity. Among other things, the above-mentioned group distinguishes itself from all other contemporary phenomena because of these items. It is assumed that these finds were collected in the area of activity of the Humac monastery, and in most cases there are no data on the location and context of the finds. Certain forms are known from other sites in the wider area of the Central Dalmatian group, while analogies for the majority of jewellery types from the Humac collection can also be found outside the area of the aforementioned group. The majority of items have either not been published or only notes without illustrations have been put into print. Characteristic local forms and variants of widely spread types of jewellery from the collection testify to the craft achievements of the Central Dalmatian culture group, where craftsmanship and emphasised creativity, as well as the individuality of the craftsman, come to the fore. Given that a very small number of items from the area of the Central Dalmatian culture group have been found and published, the jewellery items from the Humac collection deserve scientific study. The owners of these items, which were both decorative and functional, were members of several ethnic communities from the territory of western Herzegovina, and even though this area is associated with the dominant ethnic group, the Dalmatae, it is not certain that they inhabited the whole of this area
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