News Shared in the Media: Final Conference of the EmpowerHR4Inno Project Attracts the Attention of the Montenegrin Public

The final conference of the EmpowerHR4Inno project, held on December 19, 2024, at the University of Donja Gorica, captured the attention of the media and the professional community. 

The project, implemented with the support of the European Union and in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation, aimed to strengthen innovation capacities through the improvement of human resource management and the empowerment of women in science. 

Key results were presented at the event, including a digital platform for connecting the business sector and academia, as well as an analysis of Montenegro's innovation potential. Panel discussions brought together experts who discussed the digitalization of HR processes, leadership, and the development of organizational culture, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities in the modern business environment. 

The conference marked the conclusion of a successful project but also opened doors for future cooperation and further research, inviting all interested parties to participate in the continued development of Montenegro’s innovation ecosystem.

The news can be found on platforms such as Portal Analitika, Cafe del Montenegro, Standard, Mina, Radio television of MNE (RTCG) and

The final conference - Entrepreneurial Nest, 19th of December
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